Hey up, I’m a software developer originally from South Yorkshire currently living in the South West. I enjoy getting lost in new places, driving down windy country roads, and taking photos. When I have free time I enjoy playing with tech or baking.


Recent posts

  • Flask LDAP login issues

    Using the flask-ldap3-login pip package to secure a flask app & get this error:

  • Updating CA certs

    Source: https://github.com/millermatt/osca

    System Copy new certs here Command to trust new certs Install cert management tool
    Alpine /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ update-ca-certificates apk add ca-certificates
    Amazon Linux /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ update-ca-trust extract yum install ca-certificates
    Arch /etc/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors/ trust extract-compat pacman -Sy ca-certificates-utils
    CentOS /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ update-ca-trust extract yum install ca-certificates
    CoreOS /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ update-ca-certificates Built into the system
    Debian /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ update-ca-certificates apt-get install -y ca-certificates
    Fedora /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ update-ca-trust extract dnf install ca-certificates
    MacOS /Library/Keychains/System.keychain security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain Built into the system
    RedHat /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ update-ca-trust extract yum install ca-certificates
    SUSE /etc/pki/trust/anchors/ update-ca-certificates zypper install ca-certificates
    Ubuntu /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ update-ca-certificates apt-get install -y ca-certificates
    Windows C:\Windows\System32\certsrv\CertEnroll\ certutil -addstore -f “Root” Built into the system

    Reposting for my own references in the future!

  • Incompatibilities between Spark 3 and Ceph 18

    After upgrading Ceph from 17.x to 18.x our Spark jobs started to fail, they were unable to write their output back to S3 buckets hosted on Ceph.

  • Investigating Spark Operator issues

    I’ve been setting up Spark to run on our Kubernetes cluster & hit an issue with the spark-operator to run spark jobs on Kubernetes. I need to mount a configmap into the spark container when it executes a job, this is supported in the SparkApplication yaml used to submit jobs, but when executing the job, the containers were not mounting the configMap.

  • Rook Ceph Crashes

    We were getting a crashing error on Rook-Ceph’s operator, that caused it to go into a crashloop. This prevented new disks to be provisioned in Ceph, a major blocker as we’re expanding out cluster. No configuration had been changed in the cluster recently, which caused some confusion!

  • Posting on iPad

    I’m travelling at the moment & with an aim to pack light took just the iPad. As I’ve got a bit of free time I thought I’d finally get round to updating the site. It’s hosted on GitHub pages and I use git to manage the site. My usual tools on are VSCode as a markdown editor and the git command line. I thought it’d be a good opportunity to try out vscode.dev in Safari to see how it works. Logging in using my GitHub credentials allowed me to easily checkout the website’s code, but the editing experience left something to be desired. VSCode takes over the tap and hold gesture used to allow you to select text & replaces it with its own right click menu. This seems a sensible choice, but I could not get copy and pasting a block of text to work correctly. With a keyboard and mouse plugged in this might make a decent setup but again travelling light, I’m stuck with just the onscreen keyboard. Giving up on VSCode I looked around for a native markdown editor & came across Koder. It’s basic but functional, however it lacks built in git support, it does allow reading files from the iPads local storage however. ish came to the rescue. It is a Alpine Linux container that allows CLI tools like git to be used on your iPad. My workflow has become:

  • Weatherstation update

    After quite a delay, the third part of my Weather Station project has gone live. This part describes selecting a power source for the sensor.

  • Weatherstation update

    The second part of my Weather Station project has gone live. This part describes prototyping the arduino sensor hardware, selecting a sensor and using the HC-12 radio module.

  • Dockerizing Jeykll

    This seems a bit meta to start off with. Github where this site is hosted allows you to build websites using the Jeykll blogging tool. To build and setup the site on my laptop before pushing live I wanted a local Jeykll installation.